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Dr. Julien Ruffault - CV




  • Research themes : fire regimes, process-based modelling of vegetation functionning, climate change

  • Author of 33 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals



Current Position: Postdoctoral research fellow (From January 2022)

URFM, INRAE, Avignon, France

Mentors: Jean-Luc Dupuy, François Pimont, Thomas Opitz

Drivers and predictions of Extreme Wildfire events in Europe


Postdoctoral research fellow  (September 2019-September 2021)

URFM, INRAE, Avignon, France

Mentors: Hervé Cochard, Nicolas Martin-StPaul

Tree desiccation and mortality during hot droughts


Postdoctoral research fellow  (October 2018-March 2019)

Labex OT-MED, Aix-en-Provence, France

Mentors: Ricardo Trigo, Thomas Curt, Vincent Moron

Projecting fire danger in the Mediterranean basin


Postdoctoral research fellow (January 2015-July-2017)

Labex OT-MED, Aix-en-Provence, France

Mentors: Ricardo Trigo, Thomas Curt and Vincent Moron

Meteorological drivers of wildfire activity in France


Postdoctoral research fellow (August 2014-December 2014)

CEFE, Montpellier, France

Mentor: Florent Mouillot

Real-time prediction of wildfire danger in South America


Ph.D (2008-2012)

CEFE, Montpellier, France

Mentors: Florent Mouillot, Serge Rambal

Drought and wildfires in Southern France: A regional modeling approach




Journal Reviewer (>50  manuscripts) for Nature Communications, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Global Change Biology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, New Phytologist, International Journal of Wildland Fires, Anthropocene, Regional Environmental Change, Environmental Earth Sciences, International Journal of Climatology, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Land degradation and development, Journal of Environmental Management, Fire, Forests, Remote sensing, Climate Resilience and Sustainability and Science of the Total Environment.


Grant reviewer for the French national research agency (ANR) and German research funding Programme (DFG)

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